

Success Stories with our Excellent Electronic Editions

We can reach a whole new audience of readers within or even around your delivery zones through a weekly email digest.  You can use this to highlight a few of your most interesting stories, and ultimately to drive traffic to the E-Edition.  Designs can be completely customized to your branding and layout requirements.  We can even include ads in your digest to help offset your costs!

The Fairfax Times

Being one of the largest community newspapers in the country the Fairfax Times needed to find a more cost effective way to reach the entire county. Turning to CircSend allowed Fairfax Times to increase their circulation with 100,000 copies delivered in print and an additional 250,000 E-Edition deliveries allowing The Fairfax Times to completely deliver their news to the entire county and with the additional sponsorship spots actually make a profit from this growth.

We can reach a whole new audience of readers within or even around your delivery zones through a weekly email digest.  You can use this to highlight a few of your most interesting stories, and ultimately to drive traffic to the E-Edition.  Designs can be completely customized to your branding and layout requirements.  We can even include ads in your digest to help offset your costs!


Print Circulation: 100,000 weekly


New digital Circulation: 250,000 E – Editions weekly at $1500 per week


Ad Revenue: Four ad spots on add flyers with four zones giving 16 total new advertising spots at $400 per gave FFX Times and additional $6400 in weekly revenue.


E-insert Revenue: Adding E-Insert capabilites generated another $2000 additional revenue per month. RESULT: A net monthly gain of $6900 or $82,800 per year

  Adding CircSend to build our overall circulation has benefitted us in many ways: New revenue stream, employees and clients impressed with the growth, gaining new opt in subscribers on a weekly basis, and gaining us the credibility of covering our entire county effectively has been an extremely effective way for us to change the way we go to market. I would recommend CircSend to all publishers as this was an easy decision.

Weekly Digest Examples

Alexandria Times

Fauquier Times

Loudoun Times-Mirror